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- Root & Rewild:
Root & Rewild:
An Introduction
Welcome to root & rewild…
Happy full moon & thank you for subscribing!
My intention with this newsletter is to weave musings on compassion, regeneration, presence, & systems change together to cultivate a world in balance.
For as long as I’ve been walking this Earth, my brain has worked in webs.
I delight in uncovering points of intersection between seemingly unrelated themes, challenges, and solutions. Even within my own being— elements weave together & find unique expression in various forms.
One of my core philosophies in life is “webs, not silos”.
As you can imagine, I never quite liked being put into a box.
Instead of trying to describe the myriad of topics we will explore together in this newsletter, I’d rather draw it.
One thing I can promise you is that this will not be a linear journey.
What we explore will be steeped in deep interconnection & relationship to everything else.
Much like a watershed, when you’re sitting by the stream, you can’t see how it weaves across the land— connecting to the brooks, tributaries, rivers, & ocean.
But when you zoom out, you see the whole picture… everything is connected.
One vast web of oceanic thought, feeling, & consciousness.
I hope this can serve as a space for reflection, remembrance, collective healing, & growth.
For me, this newsletter is an opportunity to dive in to all the things that inspire me, make me think, feel, & move through the world differently.
Writing this is my practice to create for the sake of creating.
And hopefully it sparks inspiration for my dear friends, colleagues, and beautiful strangers along the way.
As we embark on this journey together, I will continually share things that inspire me or prompt deeper reflection.
At the end of each newsletter, you’ll find a set of reflective questions or prompts.
I find that dropping questions in to my subconscious creates space for magic to burst forth.
How your responses take shape may surprise you… whether from pen to paper, in free flowing vocal play, embodied movement, art, or other forms of creative expression… I invite you to use these questions in service to your own reflection.
So here are some for this week…
Reflective questions:
What makes you feel rooted?
In your life, how can you practice rewilding?
Take a blank piece of paper, write your name in the middle, & create a web of all of the multidimensional facets of you. Map the interconnections! {Same technique applies for a burgeoning business idea, creative project (newsletter!), or anything else you can imagine at the center of your web.}
Seeds: books, podcasts, articles, music & more that spark inspiration:
My all time favorite book, which is the closest equivalent I have to a bible: Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola-Estes dives into feminine archetypes, myths, and stories from across cultures. There is something so sacred about wisdom that transcends ages, cultures, continents, & time. I treat this book like a tarot deck… setting an intention & opening it to random pages. It ALWAYS knows what to say.
My all time favorite podcast episode: Vandana Shiva on For the Wild Podcast… she has coined a concept called “compassionate courage” that I find so much resonance with! https://open.spotify.com/episode/04tmlab3ESZtxyuXJKX0CS?si=32020fbec1454c93
Half meditation, half shamanic song… Roots (Return to the Inner Temple) by Estas Tonne always helps me tap into a flowy creative state.
Thank you for being here & for reading!
I’m so excited to be cultivating this community together. Let me know what resonates, what gets you thinking, & stay tuned for more to come!
With love & gratitude,